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- «c1»By Zerox/Gods«»
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- «as»
- «c7»Poland has introduced lots of good groups during many years. These days
- especially groups like «c6»Appendix, Potion and MAWI «c7»are impressing many sceners.«»
- «»
- The latest years «c6»Mawi «c7»has been hyperactive, and these days it's probably the
- most active group from Poland. And in 2001 it was certainly also one of the
- best and most active groups at the present scene. Therefore it was time for
- us in D.I.S.C. to look closer at MadWizards - a group which do not only
- release intros and demos, but also slideshows, musicdisks, diskmags, packs and
- more.«»
- «»
- «»
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- «c7»Mawi was founded already back in 1995 by «c6»Hero and Seti, «c7»but the scene
- activities didn't start before the swapper «c6»Ctp «c7»and the musician «c6»Van Ghorne
- «c7»(Vagon) joined in May 1996. Ctp has since August 1997 been better known as
- «c6»Azzaro.«»
- «»
- «c7»In June 1996 the first production from Mawi got released, it was the 64kb
- intro called «c6»Frey. «c7»It got released at the Polish Summer Party. In September
- the same year, «c6»McR «c7»joined. Today he's the co-organizer of the group. Also
- that month, Mawi released another 64kb intro called «c6»Morgoth. «c7»It got released
- at the Intel Outside Party III. Since that time Mawi has never released a non
- AGA production again.«»
- «»
- Later that year, in December to be exact, Azzaro became the new organizer and
- quite many members had joined the Mawi forces. Their new «c6»Save Da Vinyl «c7»pack
- continued to get released as well, and it has continued to be released until
- 2001 at least. The latest issue so far, is nr.31.«»
- «»
- In 1997 Mawi began to get real active. They started off by releasing their
- chippack «c6»Save Da Vinyl «c7»and a preview of a slideshow called «c6»Visable World. «c7»In
- the summertime they released their first 4k intro called «c6»Persil «c7»at the Intel
- Outside Party 4. Later Mawi released lots of productions at the Gravity
- party, among them their coop demo «c6»KAH835GB «c7»together with Floppy. They also
- released many 4k intros there, like «c6»Confusion, Delight 2, Fire & Ice and
- Petrol. «c7»And for the first time Mawi also started to get good results in the
- competitions. In October they released their first dentro, which was the
- «c6»invitation to the Astrosyn party. «c7»The month after the first issue of their
- famous mag «c6»Excess «c7»got out. At the very last month of 1997, the group released
- another issue of Excess, a 64kb intro called «c6»Sacrebleu «c7»and the 4k intro «c6»Brick,
- «c7»in addition to the «c6»dentro Excess «c7»at the Astrosyn party. So I guess the Mawi
- members got to have been quite happy with the activity level in the year of
- 1997!«»
- «»
- «c5»THE RISE«»
- «»
- «c7»If you thought Mawi was active in 1997, you'd better believe they were
- hyperactive in 1998! As the previous year had started and ended, also 1998
- began with «c6»Save Da Vinyl «c7»getting released. In March Mawi released «c6»two 4kb
- intros «c7»at the Spoletium party. At the Rush Hours party in May, the final
- version of the slideshow «c6»Visible World «c7»got released. At the same party lots
- of other productions got out aswell. They released a video-demo together with
- Floppy, called «c6»Fragments, «c7»a 64kb intro named «c6»Revolution 909, «c7»the 4kb intros
- «c6»Thud Remix «c7»and «c6»S38ZB4, «c7»and the 256 bytes intro «c6»Midge, «c7»which by the way also
- won the compo! In June more issues of «c6»Save Da Vinyl «c7»got out, in addition to
- the Excess promotion dentro called «c6»Radion In Your Eyes «c7»(at the Abduction
- party). In August Mawi released their «c6»The Girl With The Sun In Her Hair «c7»demo
- at the Quast Party 6. At the same party they also released the 4kb intro
- «c6»Missed «c7»and the mag «c6»Excess issue 3. «c7»And the month later, Mawi striked back
- again at the Gravity Party 3 with releasing their first winning demo! It was
- called «c6»Automatikk for the people. «c7»Mawi also released a PPC-demo in coop with
- Venus Art called «c6»Absolon, «c7»a 4kb intro called «c6»Diao «c7»and «c6»Save Da Vinyl 14. «c7»In
- November the Mawi gang went to the Satellite party. There they released
- another coop demo with Venus Art, called «c6»Drowned Offshore, «c7»a winning 4kb intro
- called «c6»Oaid, «c7»the 4kb intro «c6»Pocou «c7»which came second, a 64kb intro named
- «c6»AudioFrequencyModulator, «c7»another promotion dentro for Excess called «c6»E4, «c7»a
- «c6»video demo invitation «c7»for Astrosyn, the video demo «c6»Poser «c7»and another issue of
- «c6»Save Da Vinyl. «c7»And that was the end of a very active and successful year of
- Mawi.«»
- «»
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- «»
- «»
- «c7»Also foreign sceners had started to get their eyes open for Mawi after all the
- releases the latest years. But their real international breakthrough as a
- very good demo group, probably came in 1999.«»
- «»
- The mag «c6»Excess «c7»got released at the very beginning of 1999, and Mawi also
- released an «c6»invitation dentro «c7»to promote the Astrosyn 2 party. But it wasn't
- before Mawi visited the Astrosyn party in March, we heard from them again.
- There they only released a «c6»videodemo «c7»together with Plastic. It was called
- «c6»Central Industrial. «c7»Their chippack «c6»Save Da Vinyl «c7»also got out in March. In
- May the preview of the «c6»Datablade «c7»demo in coop with Floppy won the competition
- at the Rush Hours'99 party. At the same party Mawi also released their long
- awaited slideshow called «c6»One Spiritual Journey «c7»and another promotion dentro
- for Excess named «c6»Cameo Innerloop. «c7»The quality releases from Mawi just kept
- hitting the scene, and I'm sure the Mawi members were pleased.«»
- «»
- In June another issue of «c6»Save Da Vinyl «c7»got released. The month after Mawi
- went to the Xenium 99 party. There they released the final version of their
- «c6»Datablade «c7»demo together with Floppy. It won again! Mawi also released a 64kb
- intro called «c6»Eclipse, «c7»which also won the competition. But that was not all,
- Mawi released their first musicdisk called «c6»Sonikk «c7»and last, another issue of
- «c6»Save Da Vinyl. «c7»Again it was a smashing party for the Mawi crew.«»
- «»
- The month after «c6»Excess «c7»issue 5 got out, in addition to another «c6»Save Da Vinyl
- «c7»pack. And in September Mawi went to Apocalypse 99 to release their demo
- «c6»Utopia. «c7»In November the slideshow «c6»Photocell 1x1 «c7»done in cooperation with
- Anadune got released. It's a slideshow with pictures from Kazik done in the
- period of 1996-99. Most pictures are fantasy creations, but some are also
- copies. At the Satellite party Mawi released the «c6»Mute12 «c7»demo which also won
- the competition! I think it's a pretty cool demo with a special atmosphere.
- It has some blurred wireframing, nice pictures, a nice landscape routine with
- a very nice 3d man-object flying above. It got a testuremapped question mark
- which is tranforming, it got a nice MadWizards logo, some more 3d objects, a
- real fast colourful tunnel, and an impressive routine with the screen divived
- into 4 with lots of routines in each corner and more being added. It got even
- more wireframing, some blurred dots over a Mute 12 picture, some great
- pictures and more blur, many fast changes between pictures, some really great
- 3d objects which is phongshaded and transforming in front of a moving
- background, a very nice flower object with a woman object beside it, a kinda
- tunnel effect, more blur and objects, and a routine with a great picture
- being revealed slowly, a sort of picture waving routine and a picture of a
- woman etc. Quite an entertaining demo! Mawi also released another issue of
- «c6»Save Da Vinyl «c7»that month. In December they released yet another issue of that
- chippack, and the first issue of their new pack called «c6»Zosia.«»
- «»
- «c7»1999 was certainly a very successful year for Mawi, and now lots of sceners
- from all scene countries had seen their work.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»In January 2000 another issue of «c6»Save Da Vinyl «c7»got released. And the next
- month, yet another issue of the same pack. In February also issue 6 of their
- mag «c6»Excess «c7»got out. In April Mawi went to the Mekka-Symposium party to
- release a 4kb intro called «c6»Polychrome. «c7»Also new issues of «c6»Save Da Vinyl and
- Zosia «c7»got out, in addition to the new party slideshow «c6»Overview. «c7»In June the
- second issue of «c6»Overview «c7»got released with more photos from the
- Mekka-Symposium party. Also another issue of «c6»Save Da Vinyl «c7»got out that
- month, and a few more during the last half year of 2000. Another issue of
- Zosia also got out in 2000. At the summertime Mawi went to the Assembly party
- to release their «c6»Metatag «c7»demo. The only demo Mawi released that year. Mawi
- slowed down on the intro/demo front in the year 2000, after the hyperactive
- 1999. But the year 2001 should reveal that the productivity of Mawi is still
- high...«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»In 2001 MadWizards has released a couple of issues of «c6»Save Da Vinyl, «c7»the
- latest nr.31 quite some time ago. Mawi also went to the Mekka-Symposium party
- to release the demo «c6»Amsterdam Blessings «c7»which came third in the competition.
- The demo got 3 main parts, the first one with some routines like a moving
- projector with crossfaded graphics. The second part got a tetroniqdon 2276
- faces object, a creditspart with cubic objects rotating, some blobs with
- env.mapping, a lighted texture mapped cavern, some morphing cubes, 3d object
- motion camera, some texturemapped 3d tunnels, a mountain rotating object, some
- morphed rotating objects, some nice pictures and more. And the last part got
- some lightshaded objects, transparent bumpmapped scroller etc.«»
- «»
- Mawi has also released issue 7 of their mag called «c6»Excess «c7»last year. At the
- Assembly party in August they released a PPC demo called «c6»Cull Bazaar «c7»also.
- And at the Symphony'01 party in September, Mawi released their third demo of
- that year. It's called «c6»Cruel Karma Forms «c7»and won the demo competition. At
- the same party they also released issue 4 of their Zosia pack. And last, they
- released «c6»Elemental World «c7»- another video demo, there. Later on that year Mawi
- released two issues of their «c6»Overview «c7»production, the last one being issue 8.
- At the Delirium party they released the demo «c6»212, «c7»which also won the
- competition. The last release I saw from Mawi in 2001, was their musicdisk
- called «c6»Mu51k «c7»featuring Substance, released in November that year.«»
- «»
- «c5»THE FUTURE«»
- «»
- «c7»Mawi was very active last year, with releasing 4 quality demos, a musicdisk,
- mags, packs and other releases. And there's no indication that this polish
- power will stop in the near future. Especially not now as several talented
- members joined them lately. We don't know what the next production from
- MadWizards will be, but we do know it will be good...«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Aln! - coder «»
- Azzaro [hq] - visual designer/editor«»
- Belos - editor«»
- Critikill - graphician«»
- Crust - coder«»
- Evan - swapper/packmaker«»
- Fusko - graphician«»
- Juen - coder«»
- Kierownik - coder«»
- Lil`fame - graphician«»
- Makak - swapper/editor«»
- Mcr [co-hq] - swapper/editor/packer«»
- Podo - graphician«»
- Prevent - tracker/modeller«»
- Substance - musician«»
- Tzx - musician«»
- Ubik - tracer/modeller«»
- «»
- «e»